What this post highlights is the collaborative nature of the Omni project. A couple years back, a darling gal named Genevieve (part of the Fiddleheads Unite core team on Facebook) submitted a character for inclusion in the primary novel series. Tallulah Marin, or Tali as Genevieve calls her, is a naiad, a mythological fresh water nymph who featured prominently in book #2. Now in book #6 Tali returns!
Including the characters created both those in the Omni circle is incredibly rewarding, not to mention fun. Better yet, when I informed Genevieve that Tali was coming back, it inspired her to get back to her own writing, and she's going to pen a short story that goes with the novel scene I told her about.
If you'd like a character of your creating to be included in the final novel, drop me a line. Omni's all about inclusion, in the most magical and whimsical of ways. See you all soon. I have 4K more words to get down on paper today xo