Today I bid adieu to Seamus, my beloved stick-shift convertible Mini Cooper. The parting was one I'd been putting off, as I loved everything about my zippy little sports car. I intended to keep him for 3 years. He ended up sticking around for 4. I got the unshakable feeling I was supposed to get something "practical" with 4 doors to allow for comfortable transport of others, and automatic transmission. It was time for me to go sans convertible. Ugh!

I knew I wanted something quirky, and these days I have no interest in new cars. That's when I espied P.T. Woodhouse, my new ride. I'd gone to the car lot to purchase a different vehicle, and ended up with my new friend. I have never been one to keep a lot of "stuff" in my car, but I immediately set to Steampunkifying P.T. with all the goodies you see pictured.

Thus I now drive around daily outfitted with a lookout kraken, a pirate spyglass and cache of doubloons, a Burberry blanket, driving gloves, aviator hat and goggles, sundial compass, adventurer's journal, parasol and fan, and a copy of the Tea Travellers Constant Companion for SoCal, should I feel the need to stop for afternoon tea. The accoutrements have gone far in helping me make the transition from wishful race car driver to temporarily ground aeronaut. And of course having a kraken at my side just makes me happy in general.
Best of all, the new carriage is TARDIS-esque, insomuch as it appears "bigger on the inside" as many have commented. I look forward to the adventures to come, and to being able to take others along with me. Change can be fun!