If you're traveling the information superhighway, stop by and say hello!
I can be reached thusly:
- JSDJ.Omni@gmail.com (This is my plenipotentiary email address)
- Here's my author page on Facebook. Additionally, I run the Fiddlehead Hub and Tea Travellers & Ferroequinologists groups there
- I have a self-respecting Amazon author page if you like to follow those sorts of things
- My YouTube channel is primarily used for Author Narrations (available only to members of Omni's Maecenas patron community), my occasional Snoring
BulldogKraken podcast, and playlists I listen to while writing - I offer a couple of online courses through the Ocademy Annex: Squallix (water sport) and Naturim (language)
- To gab with me, dial 816-974-7367
- Last, I should probably warn you, if you join the patron community, you'll be stuck with me more than you'd probably like!